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In my opinion, computers are not simplifying our lives. It is not because they squelch productivity; the opposite is true, we are far more productive than we were 20 years ago. So why is it that we seem to be busier and more stressed when using technology? Software sucks. Most solutions are overly expensive, late, buggy, and are hard to use.

Of the world’s computer users, software developers are left with the most stress. Stuck between the logical world of bits and bytes and the dynamic world of business-centric human interaction, we are seen either as Heroes or Zeros in the eyes of our clients and co-workers. How everyone judges us is by the quality of the software we deliver at the end of a project. Unfortunately, the journey developers take through the life cycle of a software project is a long and treacherous one filled with many failure points.

How can a developer become more efficient so projects don’t fail? Is the answer code harder or code smarter? Majority of time, the answer is neither.

Do not get me wrong, learning how to program faster and smarter is key to being a great developer. However, instead of always re-engineering our code we also need to start re-engineering the developer back into a human. The most efficient developers are those that can code, communicate, and lead their teams to success. These heroes of software realize there are both technical and human factor elements that must not be ignored when building great software.

This blog will explore different ideas for being an effiecient developer such as architecture, code examples, social interactions, and book reviews. By subscribing hopefully you will find inspiration on how re-engineer yourself from a good programmer to a great software engineer.

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