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Video: Smart & Lean Organizations

Filed Under Better Teams, Efficiency Tips

Everyone is talking about Lean organizations, but what does that mean?

A lot of people think becoming more efficient means minimizing cost and time to market; however, there are other ways to look at it. In the end, the only thing that matters is the ability to measure…

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5 Responses to “Video: Smart & Lean Organizations”

  1. Arjan’s World » LINKBLOG for August 17, 2009 on August 17th, 2009 7:36 am

    […] Video: Smart & Lean Organizations – Max Pool […]

  2. Halldor on August 17th, 2009 8:19 am

    So, basically Lean isn’t that much about eliminating actions which cause waste, but more like using those actions (or their effort) into producing value ?

    So, being more efficient through good planning and use of resources (developers and whatnot).

  3. Max Pool on August 17th, 2009 8:42 am

    @Halldor –

    Although some Lean zealots might come out of the woodwork and beat me down, that is exactly what I am saying. Very well asked question…

  4. Halldor on August 17th, 2009 9:16 am

    Another comparison to the world of fitness (I suppose 😉

    Lean isn’t about loosing the fat, it’s about burning it (using it).

  5. Corey on August 17th, 2009 4:19 pm

    Actually, being lean is mostly about losing fat, since that’s what it means. Burning it is *how* the fat is lost. There are many different ways to lose weight (thought they all boil down to consuming fewer calories than you use).

    However, I can think of some good analogies that fit. There are many different types of “lean” for different types of sports. The human body has different types of muscle fibers, and depending on what you are trying to accomplish there is different training And there are different types of fat, some of which live in the muscle and are useful for sports performance, and there are various metabolic pathways that get used to convert the different types of fat into available energy.

    So you train differently for different types of sports. A sprinter is all about speed, while a marathon runner is more about stamina. Weight lifting is about power. The racket arm of a tennis player is a lot bigger than the other arm.

    It sounds to me like being lean is about knowing your goal, optimizing for the goal, and being able to measure so you know if you are accomplishing your goal. Little different that sports performance.

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