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My Agile Wall (Plus A Few Tricks)

Filed Under Software Process

A not so quick video (sorry I blab to much) about how I implement an Agile Wall at my place of work. Even if you have done a wall before – besure to at least check out the second half of the video for a few tricks and tips that I do with different colors and sized binders.

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8 Responses to “My Agile Wall (Plus A Few Tricks)”

  1. Dew Drop - August 28, 2008 | Alvin Ashcraft's Morning Dew on August 28th, 2008 6:59 am

    […] My Agile Wall (Plus a Few Tricks) (Max Pool) […]

  2. Noel on September 4th, 2008 2:19 pm

    Thanks for making the video. I’m always curious to see how others implement their agile wall.

  3. Your agile wall is … « a developer’s breadcrumb on September 20th, 2008 11:19 am

    […] My Agile Wall (Plus A Few Tricks) […]

  4. Mihai on September 27th, 2008 2:38 pm

    Can you please provide links to the references you’ve been talking about in the post. More to the point I’m interested in learning how to assign points to a user story and how to measure velocity.
    I’m a noob in agile development but it’s something I want to add to my core skils.

    Also, please provide a a way to search through your website 🙁

  5. Max Pool on September 27th, 2008 4:29 pm

    @Mihai –

    Watch all of my Whiteboards and alot of what you are asking will be revealed…

    As for the searching, in 6 months I had one person use the feature so I pulled it. If you want to do any site wide search just use this syntax with google – <search term>

    Good luck with your new Agile adventures!

  6. Guest on November 12th, 2008 11:39 pm

    where is the video?

  7. John Lui on February 1st, 2009 7:55 pm

    Can you please put back the video?

  8. Max Pool on February 2nd, 2009 4:56 pm

    The video is back up – it’s not me it’s

    Apparently, they are having mega issues…or on their way out the door. Either way, I will try and move it to YouTube if I can find the original video file.

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