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Binding Software Patterns to Languages

Filed Under Architecture

In the post Why Linguists Are True Code Artists I came to this realization:

…the maximum elegance of any solution is bound by the language that we use to create it.

While coding in Ruby, it was interesting to see Scott Belware had the revelation:

…design patterns are bound to the programming languages that express them.

I like this thought as it is looking at the same concept from a higher level.

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2 Responses to “Binding Software Patterns to Languages”

  1. Adam Cox on March 18th, 2008 10:18 pm

    I disagree. If you look at some ideas behind the theory of computation, programming languages solve the same class of problems. There is typically not an algorithm that could be implemented in one language, but another. C could be compiled into Java and Java could be compiled into C.

  2. Max Pool on March 19th, 2008 9:38 am

    @Adam –

    I guess the context was not the ability to solve a problem, but instead the elegant ways which you can solve it.

    Creating a solution to find leaf nodes on a tree will be significantly less elegant in a procedural language that does not support recursion (for example).

    All languages have their strengths and weaknesses, and depending on the context of the problem each can represent the solution in very different levels of elegance.

Max Pool - © 2025 - {codesqueeze}. Sycorr Banking Solutions